Cover image: Bravo Till subsoiler with hydraulic safety and folding system SJ-9R-BT-OL-PH.
Single-row subsoiler with safety and hydraulic folding system SJ-9-DS-OL-PH with single roller.
To meet the needs of these farmers, at JYMPA we have expanded our range of products and developed new technologies that maximize the power of these tractors.

SJ-9-2F double-row fixed subsoiler with double roller.
An example is the different types of JYMPA subsoilers (traditional subsoilers, two row, Bravo Till, looseners, etc.), specially designed for tractors of great power. The main characteristics of these subsoilers are their robustness and their wide range of work, which allows working a wide area of ground, while investing a lower amount of time.

SJ-11-SR single-row fixed subsoiler.

SJ-9-2F double-row fixed subsoiler with single roller.

Combined equipment Master Till SJ-11B-2F-MT (Bravo Till subsoiler, quick disc harrow and roller).
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