The beginnings of agricultural machinery

The JYMPA group has its origins in 1971 from a small agricultural machinery workshop in Castellserà, a small town with an agricultural tradition in the province of Lleida. In these beginnings, in which the contact with the farmers was direct, it was easy to design and apply improvements in the existing machinery, and knowing their needs to create the perfect machine that was totally adapted to their work. JYMPA is a pioneer in machinery, it was in 1974 when the first stonecutters were developed and patented to remove stones from the fields and thus optimise the land, allowing the soil to be clean and the roots to grow and absorb all the nutrients from the field. Also, as a complement to the soil removers, subsoilers were launched, one of the benchmark products in the JYMPA catalogue.

International distribution

From then on, the JYMPA Group’s products began to be distributed all over the world: Poland, Romania, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Bolivia… Due to the increasing demand in the American market, in 2011 a factory was created in Mexico in order to consolidate its position in that continent. For more than 50 years, JYMPA machinery has been preparing arable land in more than 30 countries.

Talent, experience and innovation

JYMPA has a high commitment to quality and continuous improvement with the agricultural sector. From its origins, and still today, it has always taken into account the needs of the farmer, adapting, improving and designing products that help them in their hard work. So much so that in 2012 JYMPA received the award for Technological Innovation for the presentation of the Optimax 3 multifunction combined equipment, consisting of a subsoiler, a quick harrow and a tine roller.

The knowledge of the sector, the talent and experience of the professional technicians have allowed the JYMPA group to grow and establish itself in the agricultural sector, becoming a reference in soil preparation.

Agricultural implements catalogue

In JYMPA’s extensive catalogue you will find the following products: grader, subsoiler, cultivator, chisel, harrow, grader and combination machines.


To provide our customers with agricultural machinery that incorporates efficient and profitable processes, that guarantees better conditions in agricultural work, with the best quality and the best service, and building a close relationship with our customer that allows us to improve professionally and personally.


To be recognised for our contribution, participation and values in the development of the agriculture of the future (smart farming), optimising environmental resources to the maximum, through a large distribution and communication network that allows us to reach the customer’s mind.


  • Familiarity.
  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • International vocation.
  • Quality and innovation.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Professionalism and reliability.
  • Commitment to agro-industrial development and environmental protection.
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