Disc harrows
- They decompact and remove the subsoil at depth.
- They achieve a correct oxygenation of the soil to favour water filtration and root development.
- To carry out initial work on your barren fields and turn them into productive ones.
- Chassis and arms with optimised geometry to facilitate penetration and make the most of the tractor’s power.
- An essential element for the optimisation of arable land.
- It is the ideal complement for any type of tractor.
- Robust and resistant machines, for life.
- Low maintenance and easy to install spare parts.

Fast harrows
- They turn the soil at high speed, removing weeds and other plant debris and integrating them into the soil.
- They allow for more agile work.
- The discs are mounted at an optimum angle for correct turning with higher speed and lower consumption.
- With independently damped discs with nylon bars that adapt perfectly to the unevenness of the terrain, helping to absorb overexertion.
Suspended disc harrows
- Gradas de discos tradicionales para fincas donde no pueden maniobrar máquinas grandes o tractores de poca potencia.
- Tienen un ángulo de trabajo variable para poder adaptarse mejor al terreno.
- Debido a sus pequeñas dimensiones, maniobran fácilmente y llegan a todos los rincones.
- Alzamiento a los tres puntos del tractor.